Megan Fourie

from Ting’s Tattoo Studio

Give us some insight into how you became a full time tattoo artist?
I went to get a tattoo done by Ting, of something I had designed, and she asked me if I had ever thought about doing an apprenticeship. That thought stuck with me for a while so I decided to give it a shot. I wanted to apprentice at Ting’s but they already had an apprentice at the time, so I did my apprenticeship at a different studio. I always wanted to work at Ting’s, fortunately I got the opportunity to and I couldn’t be happier here.

How do you like to make sure you keep progressing as an artist?
I think a good way to stay fresh as an artist is to take criticism on the chin and use that to grow your style. It’s important to be willing to learn. There are so many amazing artists out there that it’s really tough not to find inspiration to grow.

What style of tattoo would you say you specialise in, and why?
I enjoy fine line and soft shaded tattoos. I enjoy many styles but flowers and foliage related tattoos are my favourite. I think they’re timeless and look beautiful.

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