Chrissy Watson

from The Witch House

Give us some insight into your journey of becoming a tattoo artist?
I’m 37, so I was kind of late to the party. I studied art and spent the last 20 years getting tattooed from all my mates in Cape Town. After having some successful and some not so successful careers, I decided I was finally ready to learn and commit to art full time. It’s been a ride! I’m still learning every day.

Give us the low down on The Witch House tattoo shop? 
It was a hole when I bought it, and over the last two years, after a lot of blood, sweat and tears, it’s thriving as a little spooky oasis in the southern suburbs. We have a lot of plants, oddities, books, and hidden phallic imagery. My amazing shop manager Kelly makes the best coffee and we are lucky to have amazing clients and friends pull through daily. I always wanted a tattoo space where people could be relaxed and spoilt a bit.

What style of tattoo do you enjoy creating the most? 
I love lady heads, floral and skulls. Anything with organic flow and the possibility to be a little wild.

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